Sunday, April 19, 2009

When you think your skin is the only thing holding you together...think laminin

"Your life is a miracle, and the Creator of the universe knows you by name. He's big enough to breathe out stars, yet intricate enough to fashion together the trillions of cells that make up every facet of who you are. This is an amazing look in to just how big our God is and just how small we are in comparison to all of creation."

I was in awe when I first saw this video. Understanding that someone as "busy" as God (according to our standards of busy) cared for me, every facet of who I am. When you have those"if it weren't for my skin, I'd fall apart" moments, anxiety can get the best of us. We stop thinking rationally and become pesimists. In rehab, I learned that if I thought about things I became pessimistic, but if I DID things my problem-solving skills came into play instinctively and I never thought about the "What if I can't?" moments. My cognitive thinking manifested itself as I chose to do something. Remember, life is a choice.

This video is amazing from an astrological as well as a relational point of view. My God is huge! Just for kicks, here's the molecular structure of laminin. Enjoy!


debie said...

WOW, was the first thing I thought when I first veiwed this. It really makes you think. Thanks for sharing it again.
Love Debie

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