Monday, July 25, 2011

Really, something else?

Physical injury strikes again.  Two weeks ago I was heading down for some PT at C.O.R.E., a new gym that I'm attending for physical therapy.  I go at times when nobody is around to drop me off or pick me up so I've been using the motorized chair more than usual.  I was in such a hurry that I switched from my manual chair to my power chair and didn't put the strap around my legs to keep them from falling towards the sides.  

Well I hit a bump in the road at some point which caused my left foot to fall off the footplate and it ended up getting trapped under the wheel mechanism.  It was just enough that my foot wasn't crushed or fractured but it was enough to cause my foot to have friction between the wheel and the asphalt.  I heard a noise like when a plastic bag gets caught on the car and drags so I decided to check out the bottom of the chair.  I looked and saw something black under the wheels.  I thought I ran over a black shoe than realized that it was MY black shoe.  God only knows how long I had dragged my foot for but by the time I showed up to the gym, I was leaving a trail of blood and began to make a pool of blood right there.  I asked them to come out and help because I didn't want to bring a mess inside.  Turns out that I had shaved my big toe down to the bone.  BLECH!

Thankfully my therapist is well skilled when it comes to Emergency Medical Response.  He elevated my foot, put pressure on the toe and got me some water and fruit (because I'm a diabetic).  911 was called and the paramedics arrived and verified that nothing was broken.  Ollie took me to Northridge E.R. and stayed with me for awhile.  I was transferred to Cedars where I got a healthy vigorous dose of I.V. antibiotics.  Some bone was visible and I ended up being hospitalized for 1 week to make sure that the bone didn't get infected by anything on the ground.  After a week of I.V. antibiotics, about 15 movies, a diabetic hospital meal plan, I was able to go home without surgery and oral antibiotics.  I'm thankful that I can't feel the pain as my foot heals, but then again if I could have felt my foot, I probably wouldn't have been in this predicament in the first place, right?

Another day in the life of me.

We Know Drama

My menstrual cycle was pretty nuts as a kid which was the cause of me taking birth control pills at around 13 years old.  The cycle was either on for 3 consecutive months or off for 6 months.  I later learned that high body fat content is read as excess estrogen and therefore the body thinks that you're pregnant and causes the menstruation to cease....something like that.  Anyways as a young kid that's already image conscious, being told that you've got too much fat on the body just puts the icing on the cake, don't you think...ugh.

So years later, I've gone through all kinds of hormone replacement therapy that caused me to be a little nuttier than my usual self, which ultimately meant that I quit all hormone replacement drugs, and decided to just try and lose the weight.  Well I never really did normalize and after the accident the cycle became more of a mystery.  One thing for sure is that PMS (which I NEVER had as a kid) is in full swing.....monthly.....without fail.

Even before my sister-in-law was officially my sister-in-law she pretty much lived at our house.  As soon as I moved back home, I noticed that she was the lead pheromone around the house.  If and when I was cycling, it was around her time.  When she becomes a little irritated or bitchy, I KNOW what's going on and I KNOW that I need to batten down the hatches.

Yesterday was a perfect example.  She had made a comment a few days ago which sent the red flag up but for some reason I was still caught off guard.  I was trying to sleep in/catch up on sleep on my day off and had to deal with the fact that my brother and his wife were up unusually early for once.  They were going to have dim sum with his Aikido friends out in Monterrey Park somewhere ( I think ).  


They woke me up early, their friends that met up with them at our house were there talking loudly and annoying the crap out of me, and I realize they were going to have dim sum WITHOUT me.  Memories of my brother talking about including me in a dim sum adventure were quickly being recalled and I got even more furious that he was 1: going without me and 2: spending money that he doesn't really have yet while not giving mom anything for the house.  He has been more helpful and is doing more around the house but I think ( my own personal opinion ) that he needs to contribute, even a little, towards the house expenses now that he's started working. 

I finally get up and my mom has decided to half dress my foot ( to be explained in another post ) so the gauze is just falling off my foot which totally defeats the purpose.  I'm so annoyed that I called my mom, asked her to either dress the whole foot or don't do it at all, and hung up on her resulting in me throwing the house phone and causing it to just explode apart.  argh.  I hate getting that upset because it's just wasted energy.  I told myself that it doesn't matter if your brother invites you or not.  It's a personal choice and I'm sure not personal towards me.  I was just having a moment, a grand ol', bitchy, wtf, pointless, PMS moment.

You could've labeled me TNT...."We Know Drama". ugh.  Forgive me for I know not what I do.  sigh.

You can thank my sister-in-law. 
You haven't won over me yet.. Design by Exotic Mommie. Illustraion By DaPino