Sunday, April 24, 2011

That Sinking Feeling

Reaching for air, light, freedom
It' Easter and I'm not really in the celebratory mood.  (That's why you don't make important decisions based on emotions, you'll totally eff it up.)  I celebrate Christmas, Easter (or zombie messiah chocolate bunny day as my atheist friend refers to it as), and my birthday all year long.  I don't wait anymore to celebrate things because every day is a gift.  Why not celebrate the birth of our Savior, His death, and His resurrection on a daily basis?  That's just me.

I'm still being inundated with bags and totes of stuff to sort through due to my brother and his wife relocating to my room.  This is the same frenzied feeling I had when I was moving home.  Back in 2008, I was moving home, and U was moving into my apartment because she had been recently evicted from her place.  Someone bought the property and decided to bulldoze that little gem in the rough known as Echo Park...West Side Gritty, not East Side Pretty.  The timing was amazing.  I was planning to move back eventually to my little nest in Eagle Rock and needed to sublet.  She needed a place because hers wouldn't exist in the next few months to follow, and well, the rest is history.

So once again, I'm deciding what to keep, what to donate, and what to .... hide....  We all have our secrets and thankfully I have a girlfriend who knows my deepest skeletons so she'll be helping me remove questionable items. lol.  I almost feel like I'm being forced again to decide RIGHT NOW what to keep or toss and it's really pissing me off.  This is another episode of having no control of my life right now and it pretty much stinks.

It's as if I'm drowning again.  Before I was drowning in debt, then rehabilitation, and now decisions.  How do I get rid of old things and still hold on to myself?  I know we are not what we own, but I'm sentimental, I can't help it.  NO need to call Hoarders, I promise to do what I must.


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