For those of you who don't know, I too have a beloved pet. My little minion's name is P.K. People used to speculate pastor's kid, or other odd things, but it stands for Psycho Kitty. In his heyday he was the funnest cat to fight with. I have friends who can vouch for fights started on my blue reclining couch, by the cat. He's been pretty healthy and was supposed to have about 10 more years on him. Many factors have contributed to his declining health. I moved to a new home, changed the food I was feeding him, adopted a new cat, Chicken, left him for 4 months while hospitalized, and left him to fight for himself against my brother's dog, an alpha female dog at that. He lost his hearing about a month ago and gets easily startled if you come up behind him.
In the last month, he's lost significant weight, has had a distended belly, and is not as steady as he used to be. Me and mom finally took him to the vet and I'm shelling out like $700 for tests that will tell me what I kind of already know. Oh, here come the tears. He's got some kind of viral infection that has caused him to have fluids build up in his chest and stomach (about 500 ml), dehydration, and anemia. The virus is attacking multiple organs, not just one. I hated to leave him with the vet today.
It's slowly hitting me because it's another change I'm adapting to, the idea of not having kitty around, though he's been distant since I've come home. I've had him since he was a kitten and he's been with me for 12 years. He got me through lonely nights, he's my little boy. I'll be really bummed out when he leaves, though I pray for another few years. God I do.
Hi Livis,
my heart is aching along with yours for your cat. I never understood the bond between pet and persons until we got kona. I pray for healing and for peace. This sucks- and Im sorry that you have yet another heartache.
I firmly believe that since the beginning part of our role was to care and look over the animals and loosing them hits at the very core of who we are.
lots of love to you as you do through this.
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