The hands of time are turning and everything that seems coincidental, is not. It's evidential. My time at home is coming to an end and life indicators have been pointing out to me that transition is coming yet again and I will be back at work in no time. This makes me happy because it means that my prayer has been answered. It was a prayer to God for endurance, peace, patience, and HOPE. I wanted to survive this crucial/cruel adjustment period. I've gone from barely wheeling around to going down the block, doing laundry, and being able to do passive hobbies at home with little assistance.
My hours (sick & vacation time) are running low which means that I'll be surviving on state disability (60% of your pay), but on a positive note my expenses are winding down. Lawyer and state expenses aside, I'm happy to say that I'm just about credit card free. I've got about $1000 or so to pay off. I've also got a ton of Christmas gifts that were never given away last year due to me being unavailable, so I've got stuff to give away already without the hassle of shopping. LOL. Don't get me wrong, I'm a girl who gets her kicks shopping, but not having to go is great.
I've also begun outpatient physical therapy, (FINALLY) So far I'm happy with the therapists I've met, as they seem competent in working with "my patient population". That sounds so weird, but as long as they're great, I'm happy.
Last night I dreamed about my office and coworkers. Each and everyone are unique in the sense that each has a different type of insanity to add to the pot. One is notorious for having a BAD attitude and temper tantrums yet has the least reason to own either one of these admirable qualities. A majority of her time is spent on the phone with siblings and spouse, doing online banking, or doing something else that's not work-related. In my dream she was really cranky, like a child who sulks in a corner to have a temper tantrum in which no remedy would suffice. Oddly enough my retired co-worker called me from the Philippines to ask me for my address. We ended up discussing family work and other details that we usually catch up on. She asked about the girls at work. I didn't know how to reply because so many changes have occurred since the restructuring of our department. New computer systems can do that to a company. Then today, my co-worker called me to say hello and check up on me. I talked to all the girls and said quick "Hellos" and "I miss yous". When I told them about my dream, they laughed and confirmed that I wasn't dreaming it, but was actually channeling my co-worker. LOL. So, hours are coming to an end, physical therapy is picking up, I'm getting stronger, and work is waiting for me....
What to do.
That's all for now.

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