Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Put the Pedal to the Metal!

Last week I took on the challenge (emotional and financial) and completed my Driver's Preparation program.  It's run me about $1400 so far, but it's money well spent.  I passed with flying colors and am en route to getting my license.....Now to find money for a car. lol.  

I haven't driven for over a year so it felt really really good to get out on the road again.  Even the freeway wasn't as bad as I thought it would've been.  

Stay off the sidewalks!  lol.....okay, not funny.

side note:  I almost bought a shirt that said, "Honk if you're about to run me over!"  I don't think the peeps at my Spinal Cord Injury support group would appreciate it since a majority of us were victims of car accidents.  I think it's funny.  sorry.


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