After several hundreds of dollars paid to a vet, that I didn't trust, to have P.K. analyzed, I decided that as painful as it feels to be compassionate, that I would choose to let P.K. go. During last month's trip to the vet, he was diagnosed with FIV (HIV for kitties.) He had severe signs of anemia and dehydration, and yet had a bloated stomach. The vet had hydrated him with I.V. fluid and had removed 500 ml of fluid from his stomach and chest. All the fluid came back and he was bloated as bad as when we first took him in. He's had labored breathing for several days but has never winced or meowed in pain.
This morning, we were running late so mom took P.K. to the vet herself. I kind of knew it would be the last time that I would say "bye Kitty". As expected the new vet confirmed that his health was compromised due to the virus and that he was having a hard time fighting stuff off. Even his strength was wasting away, I mean just the other day he tried to jump onto a foot ottoman, about 18 inches high, and he fell off and landed into his food. I decided that it was no way to live. So today at 10:30 a.m., they put him to sleep.
I think it was hard for my mom. Because she didn't want to leave him alone to die, she stayed in the room as they euthanized him. Like a true champ, he didn't fight or cry. Soon after they administered the drug, his heart stopped. Mom stayed with him by herself for about 30 minutes wishing him off to a better place. She tried to close his eyes but they wouldn't close so she wrapped him in his little yellow towel and said goodbye. As odd as it sounds, she took pictures of him for me. His eyes were at peace and I was happy that he wasn't suffering anymore.
Thanks for being with me for 12 years Kitty. You saved me from many fits of insanity while being on my own for the first time. Oh yeah, and thanks for all of the fun fights we had on the blue couch. God rest your soul. Your mom loves you.

Oh sweetie...i'm so sorry. I tried to send you a comment telling you how well you are handling this terrible loss and then I was so upset with myself realizing that this is shit. It sucks. And I'm so sorry for you to have to grieve a loss. I'm praying and can't wait to see you on the fourth. xxxx
Hi Livis,
so sorry to hear about your cat. It really is amazing how connected we can become to our pets. Will be praying for you as your grieve and mourn for your loss.
ruben & esther
Thanks all. Strangely enough, I feel better knowing he isn't suffering. All the same, it's never easy to part with things that have become a part of our lives. Thanks again.
Hi Olivia,
I just read "Good Night Kitty" and started to cry. I hate loss!!! I hate it when others have loss just as much as when I have loss!!!
BTW you are a very good writer. Luv you!
Love you Ms. Susan.
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