Neptune broke in half and had the center of a cadbury egg, except the core was blue. That's the dream I had. I saw the sun, the moon, and 2 planets in the sky, and when looking inward from the outside of the solar system, I saw poor neptune broke in half. I feel the same way. Call it what you want, but I feel broken, blue in the center and way out. Mouth twisted up and lips like coal, but wherever I am with you, I belong.....so says the song. A few things happened the other day that made me feel forgotten/stupid/...boo hoo...pity party....I keep telling myself to get over it, but when IS it o.k. to feel bad? I think of one incident, and I'm completely mortified by myself, I think of another, and feel soft, vulnerable, and beautiful. Conflicting feelings resulted in me falling asleep with a wet face and poofy eyes this morning. These are the times that I wish that my other half would be made known to me. sigh..... And life goes on, right? |
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