I have been receiving home health services for nursing and therapy. I think the physical therapists are just over paid glorified baby sitters. That's a good thing though because it means that my hospital therapists did a good job on educating and strengthening me and that I'm strong and functional on my own. Out of 8 physical therapist visits I've learned NOTHING new. On top of that I pay a $20 copay for every person that comes to see me whether it be 5 minutes or 60. I should just give my mom money everyday because she does more and always goes over and beyond without ever complaining. Ever. EVER.
I've been holding on to the invoices until the services are terminated so that I can pay them in one payment. (Save a tree, right)
Hold on....fig newton break...only 1, I promise.....yummmm..fig newton..
Last week, I received a statement from Blue Cross describing their payment to the Home Health offices and I noticed 2 services billed for that were never done. Additionally I was scheduled to have 9 sessions with a CNA to help me bathe during my first weeks home, of which 8 were used because the last one was canceled due to a Dr.'s appointment. So now I have to make a bunch of phone calls trying to prove that I didn't receive that last treatment.
So I'm essentially annoyed at the mistakes made in the billing, especially because I do medical billing and I'm annoyed if it's not right. If people would just double check and not count on the client to catch their errors. YEARGH...FKFJKFJ;AJFDJFDJF ....I'm annoyed.
The other bothersome thing is that I have to do the legwork to prove that I didn't receive a service. They're telling me that they have the papers that I apparently initialed saying otherwise. Hell hath no fury sometimes. lol. This would be a lot funnier if we were speaking face to face and I would've told you all of this in about 2 minutes with funny faces and sarcastic overtones. ha ha.
I'm right doggonit!
Bastards! lol. Hope you got that billing resolved.
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