There are few friends that you would go over and beyond for. These are called the "2 a.m.-ers". People you call in case of emergency @ 2 a.m. And I mean emergencies like, "My car broke down in Chinatown (because you might've been @ Firecracker or Hop Louie's) and I need a tow/ride home", or "I'm at a party and I need someone to save me", or maybe even what happened to me, "I got into a car accident and I'm being arrested...HELP!".
Last May I had agreed to go to a friend's friend's party, and it was like you did it because your friend's are important to you. Like if it was anyone else who could've invited me, I might've said "no thanks, I'm sooooooper tired. I'll catch up with you later." (Like the boxing event I turned down because I wanted to sleep. ) But I went to the party. I started the day tired because I slept very little on a regular basis, perhaps 5 hours or maybe 6 on a good night. I was accustomed to "sleeps" not naps. "Sleeps", coined by my friend Ursula, were about 2 hours long and caused you not to sleep until midnight. That was usual in my case. I had not eaten, had not slept, and was already running late. By 10 pm, I got into my car and headed down to the Play Lounge in Hollywood. We were celebrating a birthday and anyone who knows me knows that I like to celebrate. I had a few drinks which were enough to get me drunk because of my physical state. I danced to sweat out the alcohol, but it wasn't enough. My "homing device" kicked in like it always did telling me to go home and I did, but I didn't make it home. The valet pulled my car around and I left.
**side note - For some reason, us West Coast folks have to have our cars. Sometimes we think it's not an option to call a cab or a friend or to sleep it off. God forbid we leave our cars in valet overnight or at a friend's house and deal w/ it the next day. Take care of yourselves. If you think it's too expensive to get a cab, I'll show you my lawyer bills, and hopefully that'll change your way of thinking. Ok, I'm off the soap box.**
I exited too early and ended up near Vermont. Knowing this area like the back of my hand, I drove towards Vermont to get back on the 101. I turned South on to Vermont and before I knew it, a car coming North and I had collided in the intersection. The police were there in a hurry which is so atypical in Los Angeles, and it was just my luck. The truck that I collided with was an early 90's Toyota pick up truck, you know the ones, boxy and pre-crumple zone. This truck made for 2 had 3 people in it and wouldn't you know it, the person in the middle was an elderly woman without a seat belt. Regardless of who might've been at fault, I was put at 100% fault due to the alcohol in my blood. This poor woman was hurt because of me and I take full responsibility....I paid the price. I spent the night in the 77th precinct, in heels and half-sweated off evening makeup. Thank God my friends who were on their way home arrived in time to take my personal belongings and give me my sweater. My first "new" car was a wreck, as was I. This is where the story begins.
First off Happy Birthday.
OMG, I think I had asked you a couple of times what happened to your car and all you said was it's a long story. I hope everybody does take your story as a lesson learned. Unfortunately, I've heard that story a couple of times and until it happens to you people don't learn. We'll I'm sorry you had to go through it.
Tina S.
Happy Birthday Beautiful! I hope you have a day with a lot of love and ice cream.
I, too, am sorry you had to go through that aweful experience. I cringe when i think of how many times that I could have ended up in the same situation ( hey pot, it's me kettle).
I do beleive there is a reason for everyting in this crazy life it's just that most of the time I have no idea what that is. One of the verses I say to myself almost every day "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.."
Ohhhh, Happy Belated B-day Liv's! Been in San Diego working....home now. Hope you had a boba....? Ok, if not let me know when you want company and...a...boba.
Thank you for your transparency. I know it was painful.
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