My very poor decision led to:
- a Felony d.u.i. (Which doesn't have to include drinking - will explain later)
- a 1-year suspension of my driver's license, which is a huge necessity on the West Coast
- a lawyer bill which is let's just say over $10,000
- a 3 month mandatory Driver's Education Course that I had to pay for - $600
*as of January 2009, it's gone up to a minimum of I believe 6-9 months of Driver's Education*
- fees for the court's time, the car towing/storage
- 5 years of probation (2 1/2 years if I pay the $7300 probation fee within that time)
- 4 months of mandatory AA meetings
- 3 separate court hearings
- 2 days in jail, including the ever so pleasant processing
- a ton of shame and embarasment
- and a partridge in a pear tree.
It just so happens that if you're driving under the influence of things such as cough/cold medicine, prescribed medication that can affect your ability to function, you can also get a d.u.i. A majority of the people that I met through this whole process didn't even get pulled over for drinking, but for being on their cell phones, driving too quickly into a gas station, driving with their windows down on a cold night, or for sleeping in the driver's seat intoxicated (that's intent). Remember the state and the county need money so beware. If you've ever driven even slightly intoxicated, know that everyone that's been pulled over for a d.u.i. has driven an average of 500 times in that state. It's only a matter of time.
I love to celebrate as much as the next person, but it's really not worth all the mess. Find a cab, or a couch to crash on. Life is too short to waste on "the man". The state pretty much owns me for awhile and what I'll miss the most of my past life is the freedom to do things. Not being able to drive is pretty hard after you've done it for over 1/2 of your life. God allowed me to go through this and I'm ever so glad that He did. It's one of those growing pains that I talked about. We all have to grow up at some point.
Thank you Liv's. Good information I think everyone should be aware of... Don't know how many times I've driven tired.
I feel you, Sis, I once made this mistake myself. All I can say is, when in doubt take a cab it is ALOT less expensive and ALOT less harmful.
Thank God he doesn't give up on us.
lol@ a partridge in a pear tree. :)
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