Drinking coffee is similar to being on a roller coaster. I used to drink triple shot iced mochas in 1998 while working night & graveyard shifts and eventually cut back because of heart palpitations (self-diagnosed, lol).
Over the course of time I became a "1-2 cups of regular black coffee a day" kind of gal .
Around 2005 they opened up a Starbucks in our hospital, INSIDE! What the heck? So I started with the Americano and progressed to the Red Eye, the Black Eye (often misheard as "the black guy"), and finally The Concussion -3 shots of espresso added to a Tall Coffee (as if regular Starbucks coffee wasn't already super caffeinated).
I hadn't had coffee for about 1 1/2 years.
(Date of accident) 12/2008 - 5/2010
Caffeine was just a nuisance to drink during recovery & rehab and in the end I had just detoxed from it completely. But I tell you, in the hospital I neeeeeded it. I was awoken every 2 hours to be turned, awoken up once for a bath around 6, and once again for early meds. Argh! There's no rest in a hospital. And did I mention random wake ups at 5 a.m. to get blood drawn? Getting stuck with a needle while half awake is not right.
Currently I start work at about 6 a.m., meaning I wake up @ around 4 a.m. I need at least 45 min. to get dressed, into my wheelchair, and washed up. Then it takes about an hour to get to work. (early, RIGHT?? THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYING!) Slowly but surely I started drinking Cafe again.
I went from "no caffeine"
to "decaf"
to "half & half"
to Starbucks Via packs EXTRA BOLD
I'm still too cheap to buy coffee from premium coffee shops

Dark & Strong, yes!
There is nothing like a good cup of coffee. It is one of life's great pleasures! I am right there with ya!
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