Weeks have gone by, and much has changed. I'll write more later about the changes.
Today, I had one of those moments, the kind where the light bulb illuminates mental blockage and provides clarity. It's the less dramatic version of the "Ah ha!" moment.
I just spent a few weeks thinking about life and relationships and so on and came to a conclusion tonight.
Expand on what you know you have.
I was worried about what hasn't happened, what might not happen. I was caught up with the "what abouts" and "what ifs". And while watching a show about singing, I remembered. I love to sing. That's what's always made me happy and I'll just keep on singing. It's where I let go (whether I sound horrible or not), it's where I meet the Lord. And then all is right again. Singing is the way I pray, it's the way I converse, it's the way I cry, express joy, love, hate, it's where I'm free.
This new found awareness said, "Now you have to dig. Put your back into it", figuratively speaking that is.God was telling me to keep trucking along in order to see all of the things that were in store for me. You don't win the game if you don't play, right?
So whatever you're going through, remember that you've already won, the sun's always shining above the clouds, and there's plenty of "Ah ha!" moments ahead of you that will keep you going.
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