I'm at an age where your past catches up with you in the most unexpected ways. In the last month, I've had 2 run ins with old friends.
First, I had scheduled an appointment with my urologist. (because the older you get, the more specialists you eventually see....lol). My Dr. had gone on vacation so I was seeing the attending physician covering for his patients. I called to see who it was and they said, "Dr. Desai". I knew a kid with the last name Desai in 6th grade, but thought isn't Desai like the equivalent of Doe or Smith? But you guessed it, the day of my appointment I was sitting in the exam room and in walks my friend from grade school. He also knew it was me and we both cracked up about that. The thought of your friend from 6th grade being your urologist of all things cracks me up. Knowing that people remember you from a long time ago is kind of cool though.
The second encounter was with an ex. For the first time though I thought of him as a friend and not my "ex'. He's in the armed forces and has just come back from many years of living abroad. His family had gone home to Japan while he was searching for houses, schools for the boys, and parks for the dog, a beautiful Australian Shepherd. It was the first time I'd seen him in about 6 years but I've known him for about 17 years. The visit was short but sweet and it was nice to talk to my friend though I felt odd seeing him because I was in the wheelchair, but I feel like that in general.
I don't like to see my reflection in windows or see pictures of myself in the wheelchair. That's one thing that I don't deal with well. I didn't like pictures of myself before the accident, but now it's a little worse.
I'm interested in seeing what will happen in the next few decades....
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