When I was first injured my dreams consisted of me walking, as did all my friends'. They changed according to the level of my acceptance. For instance I dreamed one night that I was in some sort of frantic situation. A man, whom I supposedly had a history with threatened, "Get in the car or else.". I must've been in a bind because I jumped in. We drove around a downtown area and I decided to get out onto a street when the car came to a halt. I was barefoot and started running. Then it's a whole montage of some other reality bank that I entered and me hastily trying to find someone. Then my dream switches to me being at a McDonalds. There was a "Walk-up drive-thru" that had a sitting patio adjacent to it. Odd right? Sitting area next to where people or cars can drive-thru. The taste of exhaust must be Mctastic. The patio consisted of about 8 or 9 round plastic covered red & yellow tables with tilted color-matched metal-paneled umbrellas. Kind of like what you'd see at some In-n-Outs. I walked through the drive-thru and ordered a Sausage Egg McMuffin w/cheese....yum....and then they told me that they didn't serve that item. I verified that they served the sandwich and the cheese separately and they did. I asked them to combine the items and they said they couldn't. So I ordered the two separately and asked for ketchup, odd because I usually don't order ketchup. (Or is it catsup? Spell Check says ketchup....we have a winner!). They didn't have ketchup but they had malt vinegar w/ s&p. The funny thing about it is that the McDonalds that I grew up next to is adjacent to H.Salt Fish&Chip. So I see Ruben & Esther sitting at one of the tables and out of embarrassment I go over and sit with them to apologize for not visiting them more often. Then I explain that I couldn't because I wasn't better yet. Walking yet. And they do the friendly, "It's o.k., we totally understand, whenever you're ready.".
Then I had a dream that was living in an all-white apartment complex that had conjoined apartments, Vegas-style. Instead of having a wall with a door as a partition, there were glass walls with sliding doors. Curtains were used for privacy. Apparently I drove a red truck because I was in a wheelchair next to one in the parking lot behind said apartment complex. While in the apartment I was in the wheelchair, but I would get up and walk around to do things. What does it mean?
I've had several dreams since then varying in levels of acuity. This morning I dreamt twice. (Took a break for a second to check out the new galileoscopes, they're only $15 + s&h. Check them out www.galileoscope.org for the Year of Astronomy. Home shopping - again to be explained in another blog, ugh.) The first dream was me in a different home environment, but still paralyzed. I was so annoyed that I couldn't get my clothes from a cabinet which was only 6 feet away, so I decided to see if I could balance well enough to get to my chair and walk over. A little wobbly at first, but I did it. I woke up because mom was helping my 1/2 conscious self get dressed but I soon returned to dreamland. I was in a bed. In front of the bed was a door covered by tall thin stems of greenery that led down to a garage. It was used as a meeting room, but since it was the weekend, because today is Saturday, and the Salute to Recreation carnival is going on.....mmmm, hawaian donuts, oh sorry side tracked again, a group of people gathered to have some sort of potluck. Certain events occur blah blah blah, and then I decide to get up and walk to see if my legs were working. I stood up and took one meager step forward then proceeded to slowly walk further. Now I'm outside. The grass feels wet, the mud feels cold and clammy, the dirt is digging into the skin between my toes. It was wonderful. My body was stable enough so that I could hold my phone out and take a picture of an amazing red-dotted pattern in the sky. I saw pieces of a flower reaching out. I proceeded to see friends and join into what ever prankster-driven activity that was commencing. I've pulled a few in my days.

I hope I was eating a McRib in your dream! Mmmm- mc rib-with the fake bones and the pickles and sauce-mmmm!!
mmm McFake goodness...
Sounds like we need a day at the beach trip...warm sand - crisp breeze...ahhh, fish n chips NOT mcdonalds (sorry ruben) boba.... then we'll plan out some shenanigans!
my middle name is shannanigans...or is it hootenanny? Soudnds good!
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