The evening commenced with doggy kisses, a hug from my brother, a laugh with my sister in law, and a wash of excitement over the nearing arrival of my nephew. I worked my butt off with my favorite therapist and the awesome staff at C.O.R.E. (http://www.corecenters.info/) and enjoyed the kind of workout where you're dripping sweat down every part of your body all while laughing and sharing stories, and, ideas. A new friend at the gym encouraged me to write. She is a writer and a motivational speaker and had challenged herself to a 40-day writing challenge. This sparked all kinds of ideas and incited a brainstorming session between me, myself, and I (3 awesome people, lol), so here I am writing (typing) again.
Tonight I was given a great explanation and example as to why mindset was so important. A story about gazelles and lions and their reasons for running gave way to an explanation in which motivation, mindset, and consistent commitment were key factors in determining your goals and outcomes of said goals. Practical work in conjunction with a plan would determine how great of a result you would achieve. I believe "awesome" was a word used. :)
The computer was turned on, I cracked my typing knuckles and logged on and set the writing mood with the Beatles' Pandora station. While online, e-mail was the first thing I checked and to my surprise an oooooold friend from the dancing scene had sent me an e-mail with warm salutations and shared that he had a dream that we were hanging out. Amazing guy. I meandered over to the Iconoclasts site in order to share the link with a friend and realized that I, myself, had experienced life changing alchemy with individuals, both short- and long-term, and was better connected to humans than I had previously imagined.
When I checked my Facebook page (as we all do) I read a great post by an amazing individual I know in the wheelchair community expressing a choice to believe in the goodness of the human race because someone had returned his just-lost wallet with all contents accounted for. This blessed him. Key words: "choice" and "blessed". (side note: I've decided to leave my chosen FB language as English (Pirate), Arrrr you scallywags!)
So as I sit here physically exhausted, I am singing and writing and realize that I'm experiencing "amazing" whilst writing about it. Every part of my soul and spirit are nourished.
Good music, a loving family, a therapeutic workout for my body and soul, a homemade dinner, and more laughing. Amazing, right? God is good.
- Every day you may make progress. Every step may be fruitful. Yet there will stretch out before you an ever-lengthening, ever-ascending, ever-improving path. You know you will never get to the end of the journey. But this, so far from discouraging, only adds to the joy and glory of the climb. - Sir Winston Churchill