Monday, May 16, 2011

Get THROUGH it, get OVER it, Get ON with it!

The future is beginning to demystify itself.  Now that I'm achieving small milestones, the big milestone are presenting themselves.

You have to get THROUGH whatever it is that is present.  You have to get OVER it. Learn the lesson, make the adjustments, savor the reason, and then you have to get ON with it.  Don't live in the past, don't live with regrets, live for today and for a better tomorrow.  Your time is short and your moments of greatness are awaiting you so that you may leave a legacy behind for all to learn from so that they can go through this cycle quicker.

I had the opportunity to talk to a friend's younger sister (basically my baby sister) and had a chance to impart wisdom regarding growing up.  She has made a few bad choices, emotionally charged ones, as we all have and has found a stone to step on.  A career reached out to her and passion ignited.  She's taken the next step to full fledged adulthood.  With a 2 year old in tow and nothing to her name but baggage, a vulnerability made itself available and she saw some light at the end of her tunnel.

For the first time since my injury, I've had a chance to really (REALLY) share about what it takes to move on with life. But more so, how to approach it.  Determination, organization, and a goal make the journey more interesting.  You now have some say in your journey,  We need to learn how to be assertive and not aggressive.  Forgive yourself, forgive others, and tomorrow will be better, I promise.

God is eternally good.  Thank you Lord.

Our Deepest Fear

by Marianne Williamson from A Return To Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


I haven't been here for awhile.  Another crossroads.

Once upon a time I was forced to attend AA meetings.  Whether or not I am an alcoholic is irrelevant, it was court ordered.  I have personality traits that fit the mold.  I'm the "disappearing" alcoholic.  I'll be partying with you one minute and gone the next. It could be a harmless bathroom run, a secret cigarette break, or a a quick getaway to grab another drink while the line is promisingly short.  I don't drink everyday or have a need to, but I do like an impromptu cocktail.  A turn off to some. :/

As of late, I have a lot of exciting things coming up that keep me going.  U's wedding, first and foremost.  Me and M are having a blast organizing the bridal shower and bachelorette party.  U is one of our best friends. :)

On the flip side, some irritating situations have just grown overwhelming, mostly at home.  Today I had a feeling, once felt only during my High School years....the feeling right before I was kicked out of my house.  That feeling of wanting to tear out of your own skin, wanting to run, leave because you feel trapped, unappreciated, unloved, like a piece of shit.   I like to avoid problems, pretend they don't exist, distract myself so I live to fight another day.  I'm a "runner".  I have a huge desire to "Flight" rather than "Fight" yet somehow in the end I make the right decisions.   I don't want to complicate things at home.  And it's not just running away from something, but more like removing yourself from it.  I feel like I've become a huge burden for my family.  I don't know if my brother's just having a "moment" because Lord knows he's going through his own share of stuff, but I feel like I'm just furniture downstairs.  I feel so unwelcome, like "something" he is forced to deal with, his dramatic lot in life.  I get a head nod as a "hello" while he babies his wife and takes her out because she's stressed out and complaining about home work, school, not being able to have a baby yet...etc etc etc.  Do I need to complain for someone to say hello and spend time with me in my own home?  PLEASE don't misunderstand, my mother is a saint and I promise to canonize her in the future.  We've spent a lot of time together and have become very good friends.  But my brother, which I claim as my only son (we're born 7 years apart),  I love dearly.  I just wish he'd not be an asshole sometimes.  We get along, I just don't agree with the way he talks to my mom sometimes.  SOMETIMES!

Bringing me back to that feeling of wanting to remove myself from the situation.  They got along fine before I came home and now it's a compounded situation.  I want to live alone again.  I want to save my money and leave it all behind.  If I can't check out from this life, I'd like to at least have a peaceful one with people that actually like being around me. ergh.

Actually you know what I want?  I want a room of my own, quiet, peace, a decent night's sleep
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